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Robert-Leslie Publishing, The Early Childhood Company™ publishes the premier line of InvestiGator Club® product for young children.

Robert-Leslie Publishing LLC
Robert-Leslie Publishing, The Early
Childhood Company™
250 County Road 744
Jonesboro, AR 72401
773-935-8358 (p)

Affliliated Companies
Rainbow Educational Concepts, Inc.


1985 Rainbow Educational Concepts, Inc.
2005 Robert-Leslie Publishing LLC

Leadership Team
Judith Coffey, Co-founder and CEO
Kim Smith, Vice President of Sales
Marilyn Overby, Educator Support Manager
Diane Becker, Product Manager

Our Mission
Create and produce remarkable early childhood and family engagement products to ignite curiosity-based exploration and joyful learning for ALL young children.

Our Vision
We want to help every young child discover their unique superpowers and to use those powers to achieve their own kind of happiness, success, and contributions to the world.

Investigators™ Dilly’s Tree House™; InvestiGator Kids Club™; Triangle Beach™; Circle Forest™; City Square™; For Robert-Leslie Publishing, The Early Childhood Company™ is not an afterthought. It’s our only thought; The place for curious young learners™

Registered Trademarks
The InvestiGator Club®; Cordelia (Dilly) Gator®; Manny Salamander®; Rosalita Sausalita®; Chuck Wood®; Bruno Buzzbee Buzz Network®; Great Auntie Lu®; JT Gator®; Flapboards®; Flapboarding®; Flap Fillers®

